Human Resource Planning (HRP): Meaning,Definition and Objectives

HRP or Human Resource Planning or Men Power Planning is essentially the process of getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time. It is a system of matching the supply of people (existing employees and those to be hired or searched) with opening organizational expects over a given time frame.

According to Edwin  B. Geisler, " Men Power Planning is the process including forecasting,developing, implementing, and controlling by which a firm ensure that it has the right number of people, and right kind of people, at the right places, at the right time doing things for which they are economically most useful."

According to Bruce P. Coleman, "Men Power Planning is the process of determining men power requirement in order to carry out the integrated plan of the organization."

Objectives of HRP

The objectives of Human Resource Planning (HRP) are as follows-

1. Achievement of Organizational goals: HRP helps to find out the right number of people for the right job at the right time and helps them in achieving the objectives with continuous improvement and growth in their skills. Therefore, the employees selected for the job work with great efficiency to achieve the objectives of organisation.
2. Forecasting human resource requirement: HRP involves forecasting techniques which inform the management about the right skills and right personnel which thy want to hire for the future needs and sustainability in the market.
3. Effective management of change: Change is the only constant thing and HRP do the same thing with management by spreading awareness about any upcoming change in technology, environment, government policies etc. so that the organization is already prepare for the skills and products needed in near future and develops the personnel as per the requirement.
4. Promoting employees: Employees are promoted as per the efficiency of the work done and HRP improves tends to improve their work efficiency, which ultimately results in the promotion of employees. It involves planning of the right skills in the concerned employees to help him achieve his objective and step ahead in the organizational ladder.
5. Effective utilization of human resource: Hiring the best employee and planning the development of his skills and career as per the requirement of both, i.e., organization and employee is what HRP do. In this way, HRP helps effective utilization of human resources.
6. Facilitate economic development: Organizational development results in economic development. Every organization operates in some country and the economy of the concerned country will surely benefit with the growth of the organization. HRP finds the right personnel to complete the organizational objectives and facilitate economic development.
7. Helps to fill the gaps: To fill the vacant positions, best available employees are hired in the organization for a selected job, those employees, when work with their full efficiency and productivity proves to be a true asset for the organization. In this way, HRP helps to fill the gaps in the organization not only in terms of vacancies but also in terms of efficiency and productivity.


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